Mr. Gordon will cringe if he learns that I've forgotten the history behind the classical eras of romanticism and baroque. =/
Friday, August 29, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Reflectional Thoughts
#nowlistening to - Rimi Natsukawa - Shima Uta
Too many things have been juxtaposed in the form of university preparations hence the lack of posts lately. My God, the amount of stuffs that I need to do for the visa application is making my head spin. Those cousins are damn lucky to have gone off earlier than me for their studies in Melbourne and Sydney, pfft. >=/
Penning this post could be tough because it would be peppered with emotions - negative and positive, but more of the former - at every nook and cranny, but where there's a beginning, there has to be an end, right? It's been ten weeks since our matriculation journey has opened a new chapter in life; some of us have taken flight to places unexplored while the rest are weighing their options, unable to finalize a decision at the moment. In less than 6 months, however, it'll be my turn. My heart is steadfast on chasing the elusive paper in one of the Australian states and nope, it's not the ones abovementioned.
It's a place that, to be honest, I've never considered and contrary to the fact that constantly swims in mutual friends' eyes when they heard of it, I'm going there for no one but myself. (At least for once, I'm not bowing down to their orders. Why in the world were the relatives screaming for Sydney anyway?)
I don't know; after contemplations and reflections, matriculation life has taught me things that I thought I already knew beforehand. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around it, especially when the scar left by the piercing sword is as fresh as the cake I'm currently eating. Then again, being at this age had its advantages: at a time when I was silently fuming, I created an achievable goal for myself and diverted my attention into fulfilling it. If it meant sacrificing friendships/acquaintanceship, so be it. They'll respect my decisions and accept it if they truly understood me - or as they have proclaimed under the melting sun.
After a tremendous amount of hard work and sleepless nights, I made it a living reality, yay! (I could see it in Mr. Layng's eyes that I was becoming the person that I'm capable of being.)
But it was around the same time that I realize that there were envious eyes (Just because I don't say anything doesn't mean that I am unaware of it. I chose to remain reticent because there's nothing I can do about it) that were probably jealous of my achievements, lol! And now, it's like I'm being slapped with flashbacks on my return trips to campus. Memories that were once shared have crumbled with the force of a wind velocity, leaving in its wake a path of burned ashes.
It may sound like I'm filling the cracks with silicon, but I've grown out of that stage. It's too painful to do so and I'm not suffocating myself anytime soon. (My English classmate loved the formalism lens whereas I'm leaning towards the psychological lens... and we now know why, finally.)

I don't want it to come to a point where they'll only remember me when I'm no longer with them. Plainly said, I want to avoid this situation from occurring again: in the middle of the funeral hall lays the coffin that holds my body. Next to me are the flower stands with condolences from my peers in the trade and in front of me are 5 rows of chairs on each side for mourners to weep. Attached to the casket is a framed black-and-white photograph of me. It is silent, save for the loud cries and nothing can be done to undo or repair any mistakes previously committed.
But it can't be avoided because I'm no longer the person that they knew as (someone's close friend). Circumstances have made an impact, changing not only me but a majority of my perspectives as well. I can't wait to begin the adventure and embrace the life of a university.
It'll be at least 4 years before I'll run into anyone on the streets... and that is if I'm fated to run into them again.
Too many things have been juxtaposed in the form of university preparations hence the lack of posts lately. My God, the amount of stuffs that I need to do for the visa application is making my head spin. Those cousins are damn lucky to have gone off earlier than me for their studies in Melbourne and Sydney, pfft. >=/
It's a place that, to be honest, I've never considered and contrary to the fact that constantly swims in mutual friends' eyes when they heard of it, I'm going there for no one but myself. (At least for once, I'm not bowing down to their orders. Why in the world were the relatives screaming for Sydney anyway?)
I don't know; after contemplations and reflections, matriculation life has taught me things that I thought I already knew beforehand. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around it, especially when the scar left by the piercing sword is as fresh as the cake I'm currently eating. Then again, being at this age had its advantages: at a time when I was silently fuming, I created an achievable goal for myself and diverted my attention into fulfilling it. If it meant sacrificing friendships/acquaintanceship, so be it. They'll respect my decisions and accept it if they truly understood me - or as they have proclaimed under the melting sun.
After a tremendous amount of hard work and sleepless nights, I made it a living reality, yay! (I could see it in Mr. Layng's eyes that I was becoming the person that I'm capable of being.)
But it was around the same time that I realize that there were envious eyes (Just because I don't say anything doesn't mean that I am unaware of it. I chose to remain reticent because there's nothing I can do about it) that were probably jealous of my achievements, lol! And now, it's like I'm being slapped with flashbacks on my return trips to campus. Memories that were once shared have crumbled with the force of a wind velocity, leaving in its wake a path of burned ashes.
It may sound like I'm filling the cracks with silicon, but I've grown out of that stage. It's too painful to do so and I'm not suffocating myself anytime soon. (My English classmate loved the formalism lens whereas I'm leaning towards the psychological lens... and we now know why, finally.)
I don't want it to come to a point where they'll only remember me when I'm no longer with them. Plainly said, I want to avoid this situation from occurring again: in the middle of the funeral hall lays the coffin that holds my body. Next to me are the flower stands with condolences from my peers in the trade and in front of me are 5 rows of chairs on each side for mourners to weep. Attached to the casket is a framed black-and-white photograph of me. It is silent, save for the loud cries and nothing can be done to undo or repair any mistakes previously committed.
But it can't be avoided because I'm no longer the person that they knew as (someone's close friend). Circumstances have made an impact, changing not only me but a majority of my perspectives as well. I can't wait to begin the adventure and embrace the life of a university.
It'll be at least 4 years before I'll run into anyone on the streets... and that is if I'm fated to run into them again.
Monday, August 25, 2014
When one hasn't been able to sleep well for three consecutive nights, stuff happens in a random way.
I dreamt that after pulling an all-nighter to keep a mutual acquaintance company until he eventually fell asleep on the couch in his exhaustion, my roommate and I were famished than we were drowsy, choosing to satiate our growling stomach instead. We walked miles to the neighborhood business district and to the newly opened cafe called Mochi Place.
It was packed to the brim when we entered, but thank God we managed to find an empty table and waited for the waiter to clear the cutleries and receive our orders. While waiting for someone to attend to us, the sneaky me captured a picture of the messy table and the restaurant logo before uploading both onto Instagram.
After waiting for around 90 minutes at the airport departure gate, we finally boarded the aircraft and couldn't wait to settle in our seats. It looked pretty much like Air Asia X in real life, but this was much more spacious and our tickets were of the economy class, not the business one.
The chief stewardess came running after me, muttered that the biometrics was necessary and the device I was holding only registered one passenger. I couldn't decipher what she said and asked her to explain in detail. She said that in summary, she needed my biometrics since Mama Carrie's was taken during check-in.
I dreamt that after pulling an all-nighter to keep a mutual acquaintance company until he eventually fell asleep on the couch in his exhaustion, my roommate and I were famished than we were drowsy, choosing to satiate our growling stomach instead. We walked miles to the neighborhood business district and to the newly opened cafe called Mochi Place.
It was packed to the brim when we entered, but thank God we managed to find an empty table and waited for the waiter to clear the cutleries and receive our orders. While waiting for someone to attend to us, the sneaky me captured a picture of the messy table and the restaurant logo before uploading both onto Instagram.
After waiting for around 90 minutes at the airport departure gate, we finally boarded the aircraft and couldn't wait to settle in our seats. It looked pretty much like Air Asia X in real life, but this was much more spacious and our tickets were of the economy class, not the business one.
The chief stewardess came running after me, muttered that the biometrics was necessary and the device I was holding only registered one passenger. I couldn't decipher what she said and asked her to explain in detail. She said that in summary, she needed my biometrics since Mama Carrie's was taken during check-in.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Sunday, August 10, 2014
A Not So.... Speechless Sunday #2
Those who have seen me drawing will know that I'm not the artistically creative/talented one of the family. My forte lies buried somewhere else and yet I was able to sail through the Photoshop unit with exuberance. The scores I've earned for the Yearbook assignment will vouch for itself.
Yes, all of the Media Arts students - both the Periods 3 and 6 classes - had to design the page for the chosen event and the best submission will earn a spot on the Yearbook. You'll have to dig through it to find mine. ^^
But I've never been able to produce an impressive logo. =.=

Illustrator tool used: shape-builder tool (eclipse)

Illustrator tool used: pencil

Illustrator tool: knife

Illustrator tool: scissors

On to the next program...

Photoshop tool: paint bucket

Photoshop tool: type
The final product....
Yes, all of the Media Arts students - both the Periods 3 and 6 classes - had to design the page for the chosen event and the best submission will earn a spot on the Yearbook. You'll have to dig through it to find mine. ^^
But I've never been able to produce an impressive logo. =.=
Illustrator tool used: shape-builder tool (eclipse)
Illustrator tool used: pencil
Illustrator tool: knife
Illustrator tool: scissors
On to the next program...
Photoshop tool: paint bucket
Photoshop tool: type
The final product....
A Not So.... Speechless Sunday
There's only one feeling after doing this...
I am relieved that I still remember how to maneuver around Adobe Illustrator, seeing that I blew my eyesight for the night when it came to completing the assignment for this program. *winces*

Illustrator tools used: shape and pencil

Illustrator tool used: typography

Photoshop tool used: paint bucket
Final Product:

The space constraint didn't allow me to write "The Tempremental" inside and this completed piece is reminding me of a company logo for the internet café. I guess I should've started off on the drawing board with a written vision and take it from there instead, like what we were taught to do in Media Arts.
I am relieved that I still remember how to maneuver around Adobe Illustrator, seeing that I blew my eyesight for the night when it came to completing the assignment for this program. *winces*
Illustrator tools used: shape and pencil
Illustrator tool used: typography
Photoshop tool used: paint bucket
Final Product:
The space constraint didn't allow me to write "The Tempremental" inside and this completed piece is reminding me of a company logo for the internet café. I guess I should've started off on the drawing board with a written vision and take it from there instead, like what we were taught to do in Media Arts.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Contrary to the fact that we are harboring similar emotions towards campus, there are no hard feelings, especially since it is through there that brought us together as a homogenous yet diverse family.
I dreamt that half of us were attending an event in the hotel ballroom, where the winners of a college-organized contest will be announced. I was part of the planning team (why is this inferring to Hear Us Out '11?) and although I was in charge of the registration, I was assisting someone with the seating arrangements as well. Friends (or more like Period 5 English classmates) were scattered in large numbers outside the large hall.
Instead of joining the rest of them for a drink after the ceremony, I left with another chum of mine in search for the item offered by our favorite haunt. It wasn't until the security guard pointed us in the correct direction that we managed to dig our way out of the shopping mall.
I was pretty much exhausted when I arrived home, but nothing was better than cycling away from the miseries of the day. Riding behind me was the two neighbor kids that I've grown to love as siblings and friends concurrently.
I dreamt that half of us were attending an event in the hotel ballroom, where the winners of a college-organized contest will be announced. I was part of the planning team (why is this inferring to Hear Us Out '11?) and although I was in charge of the registration, I was assisting someone with the seating arrangements as well. Friends (or more like Period 5 English classmates) were scattered in large numbers outside the large hall.
Instead of joining the rest of them for a drink after the ceremony, I left with another chum of mine in search for the item offered by our favorite haunt. It wasn't until the security guard pointed us in the correct direction that we managed to dig our way out of the shopping mall.
I was pretty much exhausted when I arrived home, but nothing was better than cycling away from the miseries of the day. Riding behind me was the two neighbor kids that I've grown to love as siblings and friends concurrently.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Cooking Experiments
It'd always be a matter of time before I can be found in the kitchen, all sweaty and soiled from the contained heat of the gas stove. Well, what do you expect? The need to finish the near-expired items is greater than the desire to treat the fatigue. No wonder I had the thought that I might be sliding down the route of CFS. Oh, that stands for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
So, what did I whip up during the short time there?

It looks like a piece of cake but it was not an easy feat, considering that this is my maiden attempt at it. Whether I was rushing to beat the clock or running on auto-pilot, I missed out on the most important part: the coconut milk! =.=" As a substitute, I threw a tad bit too much of salt into the mixture....
No wonder it tasted salty!
What about the second dish?

Well, it's a dessert and definitely easier than the first one. It's rather plain, if you ask me.
It's just a sachet of gelatin powder stirred and melted in a pot of boiling water before the addition of fresh milk and the refrigeration process. It's that simple for me. Taste wise, it's bearable, especially since there's no salt or sugar inside.
So, what did I whip up during the short time there?
It looks like a piece of cake but it was not an easy feat, considering that this is my maiden attempt at it. Whether I was rushing to beat the clock or running on auto-pilot, I missed out on the most important part: the coconut milk! =.=" As a substitute, I threw a tad bit too much of salt into the mixture....
No wonder it tasted salty!
What about the second dish?
Well, it's a dessert and definitely easier than the first one. It's rather plain, if you ask me.
It's just a sachet of gelatin powder stirred and melted in a pot of boiling water before the addition of fresh milk and the refrigeration process. It's that simple for me. Taste wise, it's bearable, especially since there's no salt or sugar inside.
Pull me in multiple directions; break me into pieces
Inasmuch as I should explore the city (more like cafe hopping) or revise on the legal terminologies (such as vicarious liability, reasonable limits, undue hardship and more), the otaku in me merely wants to chill to her favorite American drama series while having some time out without caring the least about her surroundings.
Carefree, as they describe it?
But I'll never be given that opportunity, unfortunately, considering the current state of situation that I'm in. As mentioned before, in between the clutter clearing chore (oh, yay, the first alliteration!) and chasing birds, I have to prepare for university. Like everyone who has furthered their studies abroad before are aware of, the prerequisites would include primarily the student visa and medical exam but not excluding the apparel and accommodation.
I'm in a quandary, especially when everything is depending on the acceptance letter. I can't hold a part time job now as I know that I'll be exhausted to the core before classes begin in February. I can't purchase the flight tickets because of the same reasons abovementioned although there's a part of me that's worried after the recent aviation disasters.
And then there's the gang of friends waiting to send me off with their best wishes. They don't want me to leave without at least meeting them up for drink somewhere nearby the campus or at a mutually agreed place. That, I can understand. So yeah, once all of the above is rock solid, I'm able to inform them of my departure date and have the farewell meal with them.
But that's something only time can settle, and it's premature for me to color my hair white over it. Stay chill; it's a hyperbole. Although I'm suppressing the desire to speak about something plainly because it's a sensitive issue (to me) in a public arena, I'll deal with it privately. With that being said, I'm feeling much better after pouring the indescribable emotions out onto the table.
Nothing like some good ole vents, don't you think? *winks*
I can only keep my fingers crossed that I won't lose my sanity soon....
Anyways, I was dragged downtown to complete an unfinished business and in an attempt to kill two birds with one stone, we walked from Wisma Cosway to Pavilion before crossing the road to Sungei Wang under the immense heat for some window shopping. Mama Carrie kept repeating that the latter would be the best place to find presentable apparel without blowing the wallet open. I have no idea why, but I suffered from a limping paw and felt the exhaustion creeping into my bones towards the end of the afternoon.
You'd think that we would head home right after that, right?
Nope, we rushed to the favorite grocery store to purchase the week's cooking ingredients as the vegetable crisper was once again dangerously empty.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
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