Tuesday, July 5, 2011


What can I say about friends?

First and foremost, I will never forget my friends. I constantly want the best for them. I will console and encourage them when the occasion arises.

I don't expect my friends to feel obligated, but it's nice to know that you have a friend or two who cares about you from time to time. It reminds you that you're not alone in this world and you can count on your friends for moral encouragement and support.

There again, I'm glad that I met the friends that I have now, especially the ones who laugh with me, comfort me when I'm emotionally down and who spent their precious time chatting with me.

You know you are, guys. Thank you for being there for me. I really appreciate everything that you've done for me and for being there.


  1. Hi Ciana!!
    That's a really good thing to have good friends!!
    That's the best thing in life!!!
    Have a nice day!

  2. Hi Laura. Yes, I agree with you that having good friend is the best thing in life. =) Have a nice day too. =)


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