Monday, November 23, 2020


It’s been such a long time since I sat behind the computer screen to blog about my musings . . . that I’m kind of lost on what to write, lol. Anyway, a couple of things have unexpectedly cropped up and summoned most of my energy. It also didn’t help that I grew selfish with whatever free time I had and just wanted to catch up on . . . me. Maybe it’s a subtle hint from my subconscious that I need to learn how to take a chill pill?

I have to, considering that my life’s about to take a 180 turn with intense chaos.

Things have been on such a roller coaster ride for the last year or so - especially with how the pandemic has thrown everyone’s plans around with its severity. I’m sure we’ve all been affected by it in various ways, be it travel plans being shelved or being unexpectedly laid off from a job position among other effects.

I’m now back at work in full swing after staying away for some time - together with a freelance position attached to it. Yup, you read that right. *sighs* In a matter of weeks, I’ll be juggling work with freelance and blogging. How I’m going to do that remains to be seen because work in itself will take up a large sum of my time on a weekly basis. Think of the future me as someone rocking up to work with bedraggled hair, sunken eyes and dark eye-bags while squinting at everything from sleep deprivation. Or me holding a takeaway cup of coffee from my favorite coffeehouse nearby. Too bad the nearest one would involve me walking at least ten minutes (one way) under the intense heat. Either way, the need for a mug of cappuccino with double shot of caffeine would definitely be desired soon.

Sad to say that there’ll be an off chance blogging will take a backseat if the balance between work, freelance, and blogging can’t be achieved. A lot of brain cells would have already been dedicated to my primary employment and side hustle, so the remainder might or might not be enough to plan and draft blog posts. We’ll have to see about it in due course. I’ve a tad bit of plans stacked up, such as resuming food reviews (albeit undercover at nearby cafes or ones that have been a favorite over the years) and penning more about my daily adventures and thoughts. But whether that can be achieved also remains to be seen.


  1. That is great you got a freelance job going on the side. Congratulations and I hope it is going well. Hopefully you are balancing everything all well. Sometimes I feel that my day job, freelance and blogging gets all too much... Last year when I took a break from blogging I got to enjoy life a bit more. It made me realise sometimes doing so many things just makes us stressed and the stress creeps up on you. Hope you are well and take care :)

    1. Thanks, Mabel! =) Although it's going well, balancing everything is not an easy feat because there's little time left for myself. I guess I'll have to take some time out and do things one by one. Do take care too, yeah?

    2. So agree with you that balancing is not an easy feat. For me, it's juggling a full time day job, self-improvement after hours, chores, family things, writing, blog, can get overwhelming at times. I like what you said, to do things one by one. Sometimes some things have to wait first. You take care too, Ciana :)


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