Thursday, April 28, 2022

Updates and More Updates

Let's see where I have left off.

If memory serves me right, the last post I penned was about the vaccination experience.

Yup, it should be.

There are concurrent things happening in various aspects of my life whereby I'm yanked in various directions. Forget about life; there's even more to it that needs to be revealed too.

Yet, after spending an exhausting day at work trying to tie up the loose ends and in preparation for another round of busy period, I treated myself to cold brew latte and frozen yogurt just to soothe the tired soul. Yeah, I know that I must've gone insane with the million and one things in front of me, but hey, at least it keeps me company when I'm in the introvert zone.

Speaking of things, I am honestly exhilarated to pursue another avenue to my career wherein it'll create further opportunities than what I had majored in. This includes the fulfillment of being a blogger (with the focus on lifestyle and food), albeit at a slower rate since photography is a skill that I need to brush up on. Even though I know two folks willing to be my sidekicks and assume the role of the cameramen, it's not fair for me to drag either one of them on for each trip. That's for food reviews; on the other hand, lifestyle blogging requires me to share my thoughts from another angle altogether.

As if I'm not swapped at work, I'm currently assisting an acquaintance with the publication of posts on interior design and how the industry offers its expertise to the clients, especially when it comes to engaging the appropriate person for the project at hand. I won't spill too much about it because I'm a firm believer that seeing is believing - or in this case, reading is believing.

So, if you're curious to know more, head over to the website to read up more or pop over to the instagram page at @studio_pandan .

And the most ironic thing was that the open-air food court near the workplace happened to blast 'Need You Now' by Lady Antebellum while I was waiting for the takeout to be prepared. Of all the times and of all the days, sigh.

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