Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Three Simple Ways to Maintain One's Health

Author’s Note: This is a filler post as I'm somewhere, trying to bite the tree bark in persistence. 

Making sure that we don’t fall sick too often is rather difficult, especially if we spend most of our time indoors working or avoiding the heat. It also doesn’t help that we have had to endure the haze and monsoon season alternatively for the last few months. I’ll try my best to recommend a handful of ways to take care of your health and be at your best without taking too much time off work or school.

I can’t stress this enough, but adequate rest is required to allow your body’s immune system to be at its best. Proper rest is only guaranteed through a good sleep schedule that allows you to obtain at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep daily. From my own personal experience at work and in school, if you continuously have late nights as a result of overworking, assignments and exam revisions coupled with early mornings, it would make you more susceptible to fever, colds, and possibly aggravate your allergy attacks (especially if you’re a perfectionist who cares more about completing your workload than your health).


Credits to heartfoundation.org for the image

It can also be suggested that the reason why you fall sick often is from your diet. I understand if you prefer to eat fried foods due to its convenience, but it doesn’t provide your body with the required nutrients that vegetables and fruits have. Whereas if you have a healthy diet that consists of five servings of vegetables and fruits, it may help to boost your immune system without spending an extra load of cash on supplements or medical bills. Medical professionals are adamant of eating more vegetables and reducing the consumption of fast foods due to its health benefits. Healthline.com recommends the introduction of more green, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale in your diet due to its rich content in vitamins. On top of that, you should also consider drinking more green tea due to its potential benefits that will keep you energized and healthy, as well as simultaneously protecting your immune system. Honey could be an alternative or a complimentary option due to its well known antibacterial properties. Some examples of how to incorporate honey into your diet may include consuming it with a glass of warm water or replacing jam or sugar with honey.

Stress Levels

Credits to thelocal.se for the image

Another way to ensure that you don’t fall sick too often is to reduce your level of stress, be it at work, studies or your personal life. It is a common yet understated fact that stress is a silent killer due to its invisible effects on your health. MedicalNewsToday.com elaborates that ‘over time, persistent stress can contribute to the development of several chronic health conditions. These conditions range from heart disease to depression.’ What this means is that too much of the stress hormone called cortisol would have much more of a greater impact on your health than you think. Once this happens, your immune system may also be weakened and lead to more occurrences of falling ill.


Credits to breakingmuscle.com for the image

Even if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, it wouldn’t mean much unless exercise is involved. Medlineplus.gov explains that this is because fresh air is introduced into your lungs, flushing out the bacteria from your body. In order to remain at your prime and maintain your immune system, the minimum recommendation is to exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Although exercise complements your diet and helps to lower your susceptibility to fevers and colds, it is best not to over-exercise due to its adverse effects and harm on your body. Such adverse effects may expose you to a higher risk of falling ill instead. It may also lead to hormonal imbalances, especially that of cortisol, a stress hormone, as your body is continuously in the fight or flight mode. Telegraph.co.uk further adds that your immune system would be under constant stress with no chance for it to recover and recuperate. Active.com writes that ‘laboratory research shows that athletes exercising at a high intensity for 90 minutes or more experience a steep drop in immune function that can last up to 24 hours. The drop in immune function appears to be caused by the elevation of stress hormones released during and following heavy exertion.’ What this means is the pertinence of achieving a balance between not enough and too much exercise. If you are someone who is already exercising to relieve stress, do not increase your intensity just because of its benefits. If you are someone who doesn’t exercise regularly, gradually reducing the intensity to a level allows you to break into a sweat while still feeling comfortable.

I hope that you would be able to easily incorporate the above three tips into your daily life while maintaining an active schedule at work or in school. Once you don’t frequently fall ill, you’ll find yourself more productive and able to socialize with friends and colleagues even more.

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