Saturday, May 2, 2020

Just a quick update

Not being able to work in the office has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on how you want to view it from. If you’re blessed with the opportunity to work from home, you don’t necessarily need to start work in your usual attire - although I’ve heard that it maintains a sense of routine if you do so. Heck, you won’t even be interrupted by ringing phones. Once you leave your mobile phone on vibration mode or switched off, you can easily focus on the work that lies before you. As for the disadvantages, if your position requires you to have continuous access to hard copies of files, then you’re in for a hard time. Or if you’re liaising with more than one party too.

My sleeping schedule is officially screwed now that the MCO has been extended for the fourth time. Call me weird, but I’m starting to miss the routine of waking up at x hour to arrive at work by y minutes (even though I don’t appreciate the crankiness when my alarm yells for my attention). I’ve also lost track of the days - even with the assistance of the digital and wall calendars, which means that being forced indoors is working its magic. I can only hope that we can obtain a certain percentage of normalcy soonest possible as we all have pending bills to pay without further dipping into our already-low savings.

The queue at the grocery store is growing by the day as well, forcing customers to wait longer for their turn to enter and complete their shopping list. Social distancing is still being practiced on top of the shortened business hours but more so as a result of sectors being granted the permission to resume operations. On top of this, there’s no guarantee that the shopper would be able to purchase everything written on the list. Either the items are unavailable due to the tightened conditions at its place of export or out of stock pending the goods on arrival.


  1. I have to agree with you about working from home. I have been working from home for the last couple of months. Like you, my sleep schedule is all over the place, and sometimes I sleep through my alarm knowing that it's okay to do so. The grocery stores here in Melbourne aren't too crowded and it's well stocked. Hopefully the worst is over and it stays that way. When things are over, I wonder if many of us will have trouble adjusting going back to work at the office.

    1. I didn't have the opportunity to work from home due to the sensitive nature of my work, so I admire those who were able to do so throughout the duration of MCO.

      Returning to a normal schedule would be difficult once this is all said and done - cause of the fear of the unknown. =/ As for here, the grocery stores are packed due to the social distancing being practiced (1 person in, 1 person out).

    2. Returning to normal will be a gradual thing, and there will most likely be a new normal. Wonder how much working in an office will change - like will there still be meetings in a room, can you eat lunch together or sitting at the same table, so many things to think about. There will probably be more rules about working in the office.


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