Monday, July 1, 2019

Memories of What Was Once

Memories are thick in the air,
Suffocating us.
Tears swam down our cheeks.
A promise that we made to each other.

A promise to live well and stay well.
We laid down our masks.
We bared our souls to each other,
Not hiding our pain.

In our pairs of lifeless eyes,
We saw a reflection of ourselves there.
You stared at the bottom of the cliff,
Thinking that your body will be lighter soon.

I gave it my all to pull you back
And save you from the edge.
I was on my knees,
Not wanting to lose you to the dark.

We helped each other to recover,
One second at a time,
One step at a time,
One day at a time.

With a little crack of a smile,
Remnants of a happier you rose to the surface.
A glimpse into the kind of person you were
Before your days turned darker than the clouds.

The warning signs glimmered like a night sky,
Yet I missed my chance of saving you.
The winds sigh around me in mourning.
Exhaustion crept deep into your bones.

You threw in the towel and gave into the darkness.
I’m now in the position I tried to save you from.
I’ve lost the light of life in my heart.
The similarities were the one that drew us close,

Yet it now forced us apart from each other.
As I edge closer towards the end,
My lips lifted with a smile,
Knowing that I would not abandon you in death.


  1. Nice to see you back. That is a powerful piece.

  2. This sounds like a sad poem but with a bit of a hopeful ending. It is a heavy thing to go through helping and supporting someone and then they go another way. I think for many of us we don't get deeply personal with others because it takes an emotional tol - we could feel emotional highs and if things don't go work out, we hit very low emotional lows.

    I have found that while me and some people have moved on from each other's lives after knowing each other for so long, it is bittersweet. You really feel for them and wish them the best, and they wish you the best. But it might not ever be easy.

    1. 'I think for many of us we don't get deeply personal with others because it takes an emotional tol - we could feel emotional highs and if things don't go work out, we hit very low emotional lows.' - I reckon it's because we fear that they will leave us eventually. By us not being deeply personal with them, it somewhat protects us from what is to come.

      'You really feel for them and wish them the best, and they wish you the best. But it might not ever be easy.' - There's no choice but to do so. That's how you move on. =/

    2. That I have to agree. People leaving is not something many of us like, and I think many of us don't want to admit this. It can be very hard for someone to leave us - maybe we might feel unwanted, maybe we might never fee the safety net and comfortable feeling we felt with them.


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