Saturday, August 25, 2018

What a busy bee

Hello again, my fellow readers.

The final semester involved a hectic introduction. Not only did I fly in on the day of classes (crazy idea, in hindsight), I rocked up in a state of jet lag and confusion. I don’t think I understood a single bit of the course content. In fact, as I’m writing this post, I’m surrounded by a mountain load of assignments that are all due next week and the following week.

Tough luck.

Although the intention was to watch Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again during the winter break, I was abroad and distracted by a multitude of things that occurred. Seeing that the movie was still in session last week, I decided to watch it - alone. It suited me fine because I needed the time out after a stressful beginning and away from the homo sapiens. One of the friends loves Mamma Mia/ABBA, but I’m sure the person would’ve watched it the moment it premiered, lol. Furthermore, it wasn’t like we could agree on a mutually available period to go together based on our schedules. For our last movie hangout, it took us so much planning to carve some time out from the schedule.

And I don’t need anyone to see the tears swimming in my eyes as a result of the plot twist. Firstly, Mamma Mia reminded me of someone whom I’m no longer in contact with, which left my stomach in knots. Certain scenes were a tearjerker for me, but in terms of the scale of sadness, it wasn’t as impactful as The Best of Me or Me Before You. Gosh, if you guys are able to secure a copy of either film, you should have a peek at it. Secondly, I’ve the tendency of watching films on a whim, especially when I’m stressed, since the cinema was within walking distance from the campus.

But on the bright side, at least it allowed me an opportunity to take some time out and regain my stability amidst the academic stress… because I feel like I’m drowning in a pressure cooker.

Hyperbole intended.

It also doesn’t help that my sleeping patterns have been thrown out of the whack. There are days when I operate on 5 hours of sleep. There are other days when I need at least 10 hours of sleep to conquer my daily tasks and overcome procrastination. And there are those days when I just want to forget about everything and lay in bed. I’m sure this is a sign of me shutting down internally and emotionally - it’s better than snapping like a dog on steroids. Furthermore, I know that I’m in trouble when coffee isn’t helping me to stay awake. It just leaves me in the same mood that I was before drinking it. I’d like to think that the reason why it’s not working is because I’ve a caffeinated bloodstream, but, truth be told, the real reason would be a severe dose of sleep deprivation. Thank heavens I’ve not slipped into that mode where I’ll wear eyeshadow to hide how exhausted I am - or accentuate the exhaustion to such point that I won’t be asked whether I’m tired or coping well.

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