Sunday, February 19, 2017

Just a word of update

Hello folks, it’s been a wild week over here. I’m sure you’ve heard about the heatwave that’s thrown Australia into a furnace with temperatures edging closer to 50C. I don’t think you can imagine the hot air, but to provide some context, it was being baked alive in an oven. To make things worse, there were unscheduled blackouts for load shedding. Humidity also paid a visit. It’s different from the 70 - 80% humidity that we have in KL in the sense that you feel like you’re being suffocated. At least with KL, you’ve the cool winds at night.

“Because it’s easier to know what you’re not than what you are.” - Born in Ice by Nora Roberts, page 182

Everyone has spoon-fed me with things along the lines of intelligence, confidence, and kindness and expected me to be brainwashed by those sweet words. Some of it is based on the the truth, which I’ll willingly admit, but some are sugarcoated. I’d rather believe that I’m the average girl next door who’s trying to weave her way into a smooth transition from one environment to other. I want to believe that I’m capable of dropping people like hot potato once they’ve inflicted enough damage and making them suffer emotional trauma because it masks my weakness with the protective layers and keeps me from keeling over in angst.

It’s for the same reason that I’ve kept my innermost thoughts at arm’s length from the good friends, instead using exhaustion as an excuse to mask the absence.

That’s it from me today. I’ll be back with a more detailed post some time next week.


  1. it's been a really hot week in kl too ... climate change is real! hopefully we'll have some respite soon. take care, and stay hydrated, of course!

    1. Oh dear, how hot has it been, Sean? Please don't tell me it's peaked at 40C - because that'd be disastrous, seeing that we've a crazily high humidity. =(

  2. My family have been complaining of the heat wave, and then this morning there was a sudden drop of temperature - down to 9 degrees! The weather sure is a-changing.

    1. And the heatwave's returning on Tuesday, ugh. Sometimes I wonder what's going on with the Australian - well, at least the South Australian - climate. I guess we can only blame it on global warming... and it's only going to get worse. =(

  3. I heard about the heatwave over there. It sounds very extreme and I hope you are keeping cool and staying indoors. Going to the beach in this kind of weather should be avoided, and really, standing under direct sunlight. I like humidity, but humidity in those temperatures would be very uncomfortable :/

    Hope all is going well with you. Or at least okay. Often it is a long slog to where we want to be, or at least to a place that is not where we currently are. It seems that you have a lot of patience, and good on you for that :) Like you, I like to keep my innermost thoughts to a few people around me. Shouting things out may not get us anywhere or worse, attract the wrong kind of attention.

    1. It was rather arduous staying indoors because I had to dash to the grocery store to purchase some supplies. =/ I found it surprising that when the temp hits 50C, the humidity's extremely low.

      It's alright at my end. I mean, it could be better, but I guess it is what it is.... or maybe I've hit my head on yet another obstacle. =( Nah, it's not the patience that keeps me going. It's more on the fear of failing and falling flat on my face that prevents me from saying, okay, that's it.


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