Saturday, March 10, 2018


I dreamt that we were hanging out in the lecturer’s office after a long day on campus. Her client arrived terribly early for her appointment with the lecturer, which left two of us - the students - looking at each other in confusion. We understood that the lecturer juggled a second career as a practitioner, but we didn’t expect her to have an appointment after business hours. The client entered the space and handed us the keys to her place. She asked us to make ourselves comfortable with the access to food and drink there, but the lecturer wanted us to stay back and observe the dispute as a case study. The client refused to give her consent because the mediation will broach on sensitive issues that she didn’t want us to know about.

We took our cue to leave when the other party arrived at the office with a charcoal face and told the lecturer that we would be back end of COB. While we killed the time, we found ourselves participating - or rather, observing - a street protest before we made our way to the eatery housed in a temple.

I highly doubt that the dream meant anything - except to hint that I need timeout before I cave under the pressures of what it is that I’m experiencing now.

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