Friday, April 15, 2011

Subconscious Thoughts

Stephanie and I caught up over a drink at a local coffeehouse. She had brought her best friend with her, so I tried to strike up a conversation with the best friend. (I don't want Stephanie's best friend to feel bad or left out.)

I don't know what transpired, but I brought Stephanie to my house for a house-viewing. She was interested in looking at my new house. I had to leave for something and someone else drove her back.

Am I dreaming of what happened last Sunday?

We went to Church, but, when we arrived there, we had trouble looking for a parking space.

"It can't be."
"What do you expect? There isn't any available parking space in the Church compound."

We eventually found a parking space that was within walking space, but quite far from the Church. Since it was starting to drizzle, we walked towards the Church shielding, with the umbrella, ourselves from the rain.

Found our seats and waited. I was okay in the beginning, but I was getting agitated as people kept crossing my pew to get to the other side.

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