Sunday, December 25, 2011

CC's (Imperfect) Chocolate Cheesecake ... not

Twenty minutes later....


As the title suggests, I had meant to bake a chocolate cheesecake but ended up with chocolate muffins instead. Pfffftttt =.="

And I know; the color looks too dark to be a chocolate muffin but that's because I had doubled the dose of dark chocolate powder. Taste wise, it was edible but I won't dare say that it's tasty. I mean, the bitter taste suited my palate but Mama Carrie ran to the fridge for the blackberry jam to sweeten it up a little.

I don't have the recipe for you all as this was done with loose measurements, but I guess I should draw it up the next time I embark on a baking spree. =D


  1. it looks interesting enough. just decorate a little and no one will note the colour. i like dark chocolate so I reckon this will be my perfect cup of tea. Try to figure out the recipe and sharelah!

  2. It doesn't look delicious as the chocolate muffins sold in the stores, but I guess I shall decorate with walnuts next time. I'm not a fan of cream. I promise I will share the recipe once I've figured it all out.


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