Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Something's not adding up, I know, but I'm retaining my silence on it. Of course I'm unhappy that I've been ignored or replied to in such a way but I'm aware that there are reasons behind the sudden cold shoulders that I'm not interested in unearthing. I'm not the busybody like the folks out there who constantly pepper the poor soul with questions ranging from A to Z. And that brings me to a matter that has been infuriating me for a quite while.

Dude, where in the world are your manners? I can understand why you're pissed, but I don't see why you should even dare to blow one's top when it's you who's constantly seeking for help. It makes me wonder if you truthfully appreciate the inconveniences one has to go through just to appease your deepening anger and disappointment or if you're merely taking advantage of the unsuspecting soul.

To tell you the truth, I'm fed up with those including you who are nice only when they're in need of help and not at all times. Maybe you can tell me why the true colors and personalities will only emerge when the issue has been resolved.

Oh, let me warn you. You might want to have second thoughts about screaming at people. It might actually backfire on you.

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