Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh, wow, I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying!

It is easy to make me smile, but very difficult to make me laugh.
You have a lack of humor. - Sam
Even if I do laugh, it's mostly a quiet one. The only time you can hear me laughing loudly is when I'm watching that Taiwanese program. Anyway, this is the first time that I am reading the story after completion. Certain parts of it are making me laugh like mad, especially the part where Crystalline and Mae are returning home to their condo in One Avenue and the part which Mae thought she was being stalked by someone. Lol to that! xD

Even Mama Carrie wanted a peek at the story. =) I think I must have wrote it in a rush or blindly because, reading it, I've noticed that lots of words have been left out of the sentences. I must say something about it, though. All the buildings mentioned exist in real life.

I will like to thank the following people for inspiring me to write the story: Leigh and Bya.

Bya, the image above should look familiar to you. *winks*

P.S. Going through my Twitter, I just realized that I have missed many of Steff's tweets. If you're reading this, Steff, I'm so sorry about it as I haven't cultivated the habit of backtracking.

P.S.S: Is the shooter out of his mind? Just because the dog is of that breed doesn't mean he can just pull the trigger. Full extent of the story:

This is one of those times when I don't understand the human mind.


  1. There weren't any big grammar mistakes or anything, oh yes *smiles at picture*. My favorite line was the one about Malaysians double parking haha. I cannot believe the cops do not bust them for that. I have a bunch of parking stories for you later ;]. I'm sure you stayed up some nights to write the story, so don't be so worried about some mistakes. I'd be happy to be a future proof reader. Bien trabajo, nos vemos pronto amiga.

  2. I like to make sure that the story is perfect in all angles. =) Yes, it's a traffic offence to do so, but it usually happens behind their backs, plus it falls under the jurisdiction of the local council. Don't worry; I didn't sacrificed my sleep for it. =) I'll keep that in mind; mucho gracias for the offer. =D Te cuidas y veale pronto, amigo.


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