Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cheese Cake with Pumpkin Seeds

This is a scheduled post. At the time when this recipe is up and published, yours truly is enjoying a well-deserved breakfast in Taman Megah after her hill walk.

200g cake flour
50g maize flour
50g plain flour (you don't really have to, though)
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tbsp brown sugar1
200 ml cup cow's / goat's / soy milk
the juice of one small orange
100g softened cream cheese (any brand would do)2
1/2 cup raw, uncooked pumpkin seeds

Preheat oven at 190C.
Oil a square baking tray with butter and coat it with a thin layer of flour and leave it aside.3 This will help to keep the mixture from sticking to the tray.
In a mixing bowl, cream sugar and cream cheese until fluffy.
Sift flour and add in baking powder and baking soda.
Squeeze orange juice4 and pour milk and carefully fold in the mixture until a semi-dry consistency is formed. If the mixture is too wet, add more plain flour. If the mixture is too dry, add a little more liquid milk.5
Pour the mixture into the oiled tray and sprinkle pumpkin seeds on the top.
Bake at 160C for 45 - 60 minutes.

1) Add up to 4 tbsp of sugar, up to individual preference. I'm one who fancies neither sugar nor salt.
2) Feel free to add more cream cheese if you are a sworn cheese lover. The only difference you'll get is a stronger hint of cheese when you eat the cake.
3) Alternatively, you could substitute the flour with 2 cups of crushed Graham or digestive biscuits as the crust.
4) Worry not if you don't happen to have any fresh orange at home. You may substitute it with 1/2 cup of any unsweetened bottled orange juice.
5) Since cow's milk is readily available and cheaper, it will suffice. If you're lactose-intolerant, soy milk is the best option.


  1. Ooo, I don't think I've ever had cheesecake with pumpkin seeds before. It must add a nice bite to the cake. Wonder whether a mix of seeds and nuts with the cake would work well too. Cheesecake with pumpkin seeds and pistachios? Pumpkin seeds and almond flakes? :D

  2. Ooo, I don't think I've ever had cheesecake with pumpkin seeds before. It must add a nice bite to the cake. Wonder whether a mix of seeds and nuts with the cake would work well too. Cheesecake with pumpkin seeds and pistachios? Pumpkin seeds and almond flakes? :D

    1. Sean: Hmmm, did you accidentally click the 'reply' button twice? =)

      Well, the pumpkin seeds definitely added a nicer bite to the cake but I regretted for not adding more cream cheese. It'd have made the taste better but I know not everyone loves cheese the way I do. =D A mixture of seeds and nuts with the cake is definitely a great idea! Thanks for the tip; I shall add almond flakes when I bake this again. =)

  3. try it with some orange rind as well. it gives a different kick:D

    1. missyblurkit: I definitely will try to remember to add the orange rind to balance the strong flavor of the cream cheese the next time around. ^_^

      Maybe that will get my Mom to share it with me; she just can't stand the taste/smell of cheese. =(


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