Thursday, January 3, 2013

Split Second

Sorry for the sudden stop in posts.

It's just that I was carried away with life; haven't found the time to even play The Sims Social and SimCity Social.

While I try to pull some time out of my busy schedule to write a proper post, please bear with me. It's quite tough to write a blog post when the brain's fried for the day.

I promise I'll be back within the next few days; just need to draft it out on paper first.


  1. haha! no worries! same here.. I stop all of a sudden because books are stifling me too!! Having finals now... will be back soon! ;D U should too! ^^

    1. I know, Eunice, but I kind of feel sorry for the readers, who are left wondering what had happened to me.

      Hope to see you around soon! Me too; I should be back once my "things" have been done with. =)

  2. We've all had that feeling before! Hang in there. :-)

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Yum List! =)

      I'll take it to heart and try not to tumble off the wagon. =)

  3. Ya...haven't seen you in my blog for a few days now too! Take your time, hope you'll get back on track soon. Cheers!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, suituapui. =)

      I don't think I'll be back on a smooth track for a couple of months, so I'll definitely try to squeeze out some time to update the blog. =D

  4. No worries, like The Yum List said, we've all been there.

    Take a breather and take care. We'll be waiting for your next post! :D

    1. Hey, Huai Bin!

      Thanks for the encouragement! I finally updated the blog, and I'll be sure to take necessary breathers. =D


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