Saturday, December 28, 2013

Temporary Update

Hey there, readers!

Through methods that I'm not going to mention, I was able to connect to the city's free Internet but with limited access on the iPad. It wouldn't work on the cell phone or on the notebook, sigh. I've no idea how I'm going to blog about the adventures here in Western Australia unless I settle it when I'm back home.

I almost cried during Sunset Mass during the Eucharistic Celebration when the priest asked the parishioners to pray for those who are missing their loved ones or friends during this festive season. What do you expect? There are so many people that I'm pining for as I'm penning this post.

Some are dead and some are alive but miles away.

Still, I'm being bothered by the answer Mama Carrie gave after I sought her advice for the current situation between me and a good friend. I really don't know what to think but if I am analyzing the matter in the correct manner, it makes total sense. I caught this person playing with my cell phone right under my nose and the only other fellow (Mama Carrie) who has access to it (partly because I'm using her line and she's using mine) barely knows how to operate it. There's more, but I can't list them without giving away our identities and I don't want to complicate things.

I hope it won't affect the friendship that we have because to lose this person as a friend would lead to an awkward situation as we'll be seeing each other more often than you think for the next couple of months or so... I've prayed for this person to feel normal again because part of me suspects that I'm the accelerant to his current emotions.

I'm sorry if I went on a tangent, but I needed to get it out from my system without being too obvious. On the contrary, I hope I'll be able to enjoy the remaining days of the vacation without much worry. I need to; there was a reason why we chose WA and it's an important one indeed. =/


  1. Replies
    1. Happy New Year, YL! Hope the year of 2014 treats you well and allows you more opportunities in food exploration. =D


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